(logo)  User Authorization


User Authorization is a way to protect certain documents on the net by a user ID and password. To access such documents, you generally have to register yourself first.

Whenever you attempt to retrieve a document for which user authorization is necessary, AWeb will pop up a requester where you can type in your user ID and password. If these are valid, you will get the document.

On subsequent accesses to documents within the same realm on the same server, you don't need to enter your user ID and password again.

Save your authorization details

AWeb remembers all authorization details and saves them to disk when you quit. The next time you start AWeb, your authorization details are read so you won't need to enter these again.

To save these data during your session, select the Cache / Save authorizations menu item.

The menu item Cache / Flush authorizations lets AWeb forget all your authorization details.

Note: the authorization file is in an internal format. Do not attempt to modify this file.

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